Snap #200
This very strong snap is our choice on our Harness, Halters and other items we make in our shop. A great choice for a line snap.
We also have the snap replacement spring in stainless steel only. The 2 different sizes will fit all our #200 snaps. Large size will fit 1-1/4" through 1-3/4" and the small size will fit 5/8" through 1-1/8".
Choice between Stainless Steel (SS) or Solid Brass (SB)Sizes:
5/8" - 3" OL
3/4" - 3" OL
7/8" - 3-1/8" OL
1" - 3-1/4" OL
1-1/4" - 3-5/8" OL
1-1/2" - 3-5/8" OL
1-3/4" - 3-3/4" OL
OL = Overall length
Prices are above in pull down.